Day 5 of #30daysOfJs
Table of contents
- Arrays
- Creating empty arrays
- Creating arrays with values
- Creating arrays using split() method
- Accessing array items using index
- Methods to manipulate array
- Array constructor
- Creating static values with fill() method
- Concatenating arrays using concat() method
- Getting Array length
- Check if an element exists in an array
- To check if an item exists in an array
- Checking if an array is an array or not
- Converting Array into String
- Joining Array elements
- Slice Array elements
- Splice method in an array
- Adding an item to an array (at the end)
- Removing the last element of an array
- Removing an element from the beginning
- Adding elements from the beginning
- Summary for push(), pop(), shift(), unshift()
- Reversing array order
- Sorting elements in an array
- Array of Arrays
Hey reader π, welcome back again to my 5th blog of this seriesβ
Hope you've learned a lot till now π
Today's sole topic is Arrays in Js.
An array can store multiple values/items under a single variable name.
An array can store items of different data types.
An array can also have duplicate elements in it.
Now, when it has multiple values under a single name, it should also have something to differentiate the items inside it. Hence the concept of indexing comes here.
Each item of the array has an index, and they are accessed using their indexes.
Array index starts from 0, hence it ends at a number less than its size.
Now, comes the actual part, the creation of arrays.
Creating empty arrays
There are two ways to create an empty array :
Using Array constructor
It means using Array()
Using square brackets
Creating arrays with values
Here, we are initializing an array with some values.
Same, let's create arrays using square brackets.
The elements should be separated using commas
Arrays can have items of different data types
We can get the length of the array using length property.
Creating arrays using split() method
If you remember, in the last blog we discussed split() method in Strings.
split() method splits an array based on given argument and returns an array of elements.
Accessing array items using index
Methods to manipulate array
Array constructor
The array is created with empty values.
Now, moving on a step ahead, let's fill with some static values.
Creating static values with fill() method
We can fill the array with some static value rather than keeping it empty.
The value will be repeated till the last index of the array.
You can fill it with the value of any data type.
Concatenating arrays using concat() method
If you remember we did concatenation in Strings.
Similarly now we will do the same using concat() method
The syntax is array.concat(anotherArray), it is similar to array + anotherArray.
Getting Array length
We have seen it already above.
length is a property of every array
Syntax is -> array.length
without parantheses
Check if an element exists in an array
As we did yesterday in string methods -> indexOf() and lastIndexOf()
indexOf returns the index of first occurrence of the repeated element,
whereas the lastIndexOf returns the last occurrence of the given element.
To check if an item exists in an array
To check if an item is included or not in an array, we use includes() method.
This method will return boolean -> true if the given item exists, else false
As simple as that, isn't it?
Checking if an array is an array or not
We have Array.isArray() method to check that
Again, this will also return boolean -> true or false.
Converting Array into String
This is the opposite method of split(), it is toString() method.
Here we will provide the method an array and it will return a string
Joining Array elements
We have join() method to join array elements and form a string.
Clearly, it takes an array and returns a string.
By default, it joins array with the comma, but we can change it by sending a different string parameter.
Therefore, this is an advancement of toString() method, it not only joins but we can also control the joining parameter.
Slice Array elements
This method is used to cut out multiple elements.
It takes two parameters, starting and ending index.
It returns a new array of removed elements.
Also, it does not affect the original array.
When you provide no parameters to slice() -> It simply copies all the items into a new array
When you provide one parameter -> it means that you want elements from given index till the end.
Finally, if you give two parameters, it takes it as a start and end index and copies elements in between them.
Remember, as array items can be accessed using negative index,
slice() method can also be provided with negative indexes
If you see, the -3rd index is of 'is' -> so, from -3rd till the end all the values are copied.
Similarly, change the indexes and play around with them.
Splice method in an array
Splice is a very versatile method, it alone can replace, remove and add items in an array.
Note that unlike slice(), splice() changes the original array.
If you provide no parameters -> it simply removes all the elements
If you provide two parameters -> it will take it as start and end indexes,
It returns an array of what it had removed.
When you check the original array, that too will not have those elements
If you provide three parameters -> it takes it as starting index, no. of items to be removed, and items to be replaced with them.
As you can see below, from the array, it removed from index 3 -> 3 items were removed and were returned -> and the remaining were in place of removed elements.
(A summary to push, pop, shift, unshift is provided at the end)
Adding an item to an array (at the end)
We use the push() method to add an item to an array.
The method takes the element to be added as a parameter
This method returns the new length of the array.
It will get added at the (last index + 1) position.
Removing the last element of an array
The pop () method is just called and it does not take any parameters.
It only removes the last element.
Removing an element from the beginning
We use shift() method for this.
In one way we're shrinking the array.
This method returns the removed element.
The reason is you're removing an element from the 0th index.
Now an array can't be empty at the beginning indexes.
That's the reason we have to shift all the elements toward start index.
Adding elements from the beginning
For this purpose, we use unshift() method
In one meaning, we are unshifting array elements and adding new elements.
Now the array will not remove the last elements and add new in the beginning.
Because the array can be expanded from the end side, but not from the starting side.
You can add as many as you need using unshift() at a time.
This method returns the length of the new array.
Summary for push(), pop(), shift(), unshift()
Reversing array order
reverse() method -> reverse the order of the array
Very simple..! Isn't it.
Sorting elements in an array
sort() function works well with strings, but not for numbers.
To sort numbers using sort() function, we need to pass a compare function
Check the image below
Array of Arrays
These are nothing but your matrices.
That is it for today π.
Hope you enjoyed learning different methods of manipulating arrays π€.
Have a great day ahead π.